Thursday, May 27, 2010


May 21st I went with Jaden's class to the Topeka zoo. It was probably the most crazy and hectic experience of my life. That being said it was pretty fun and I will definitely go again..........probably........I think?

This is a picture of Jaden getting off her first bus ride. Her school/daycare has a rule you have to be 4 to ride the bus. She has been counting down the days until she could ride the bus for about 2 years. I think the draw is you don't have to ride in a car seat OR wear a seat belt! How she knew she didn't have to wear a seat belt? You got me. I think the bus ride was the highlight of the day.

This is Jaden's BFF Marissa. They are pretty much attached at the hip. They do everything together at school and are in the same dance class every Tuesday night. Jaden wont go into her dance class unless Marissa is there and Marissa wont go in if Jaden isn't there. Marissa is always good for a leg hug every time I see her. Notice the little boy in the left of this picture? I think he is in about every picture. This was not by design. I will fill you in later.

Jaden loves feeding goats/sheep. I always try to get her to feed a goat some trash but she never goes for it. Goats are awesome!

This is Wyatt. He got pooped on inside the rain forest. I laughed.....a lot. Wyatt is what I can only describe as Jaden's stalker. He is everywhere! Every time I turned around there was Wyatt. Wyatt trying to hold Jaden's hand. Wyatt trying to hug Jaden. Wyatt running full bore into Jaden and knocking her down. Wyatt saying Jaden 1000 times till Jaden was so annoyed she yelled...WHAT!!!! HE WAS EVERYWHERE!!! Jaden did not return Wyatt's advances with kindness. The zoo trip the first time I have ever seen Jaden be flat out nasty. Normally I would have gotten onto her for being mean but taking into account the four hours of badgering and whatnot I decided to let her fend for herself. Jaden's attitude didn't detour Wyatt however. I'll say this for Wyatt he's persistent if nothing else. I didn't realize stalking started at 4. I am expecting to have to crack a few skulls when my girls are in high school but pre-school? I guess my mom was right when she told me what goes around comes around.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Duck Hunting

These are some pictures I've been meaning to post since last December. I am not a great blogger but I give it a go anyways.

This is from the last duck hunt of 2009. The Hendren family goes back to Mulvane for the week between Christmas and New Years every year and I always go duck hunting with Chad. We always have a great time. We hunt the river just south of Mulvane and it is always cold. I'm not talking a little chilly, I'm talking ice cycles hanging from your eye lashes cold. Nothing is better than going out at 4:30 am and wading through chest high water covered with a thin layer of ice. Duck Hunting is AWESOME! It is addictive. If I could go everyday I think I would. I would love to duck hunt every morning and golf every afternoon. I'll run that by Erica and let you know how it goes. Wish me luck!

Monday, May 10, 2010



These awesome facial hair creations were part of a dare for the 2nd annual Nebraska golf trip. I.....LOOK......AWESOME!!! Stay tuned for a post on the trip coming soon!