Thursday, May 7, 2009

WHAT THE .........?

This is a Mulvane High School team basketball picture from 1955. WHY? Who decided this pose was a good idea? Why do all these guys have their hands on each others hips? WHY? This pose is a really, really bad idea anytime, anyplace and for any reason but especially if your shorts are short enough that your twig and berries could pop out at any moment! UNBELIEVABLE!!!

Abasolo, I want you to try a social experiment for next years team picture. Recommend this pose and let me know how it works out.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Toadies

If you enjoy 90's rock than you will love this picture of me with the lead singer of The Toadies, Vaden Todd Lewis. I went to The Toadies concert with Jones on May 23rd at the Beaumont Club in Westport. The picture on the bottom right is of Gareth Jones lead singer of People in Planes. People in Planes was the opener. This was the second time Jones and I have seen The Toadies and People in Planes in 6 months. Long live 90's grunge rock!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Golf Weekend

A couple of weekends ago I got to play golf.........wait for it........TWICE IN ONE WEEKEND!!!!! To top that off I got to play with two of my favorite people in the world, my pop, and my wife. I played in a tournament Saturday morning at Heston Golf Course with my dad. It was a great time. I don't get very many opportunities to play with my dad so when we get the chance the Hendren's tare it up. We shot 2 over par, pretty decent for two hacks.

Saturday evening the Hendren family went to the thriving metropolis of Seneca Kansas to visit some friends(and to think of all the crap I get in Kansas City because I am from Mulvane). All joking aside Seneca is a great town and has a fairly new track, Spring Creek Golf Course. Erica and I played Spring Creek with our friends Sunday morning. Even though our round was cut short due to a thunderstorm and the holes we did get in were played in 40 mph winds we all had a great time.

I included the pictures of Erica's swing to document the fact that even though she hasn't played golf in a few years she looks like a pro when compared to Sir Charles Barkley!