Thursday, April 29, 2010


Had to post a picture of the Hendren's yard, spring 2010! EXTRA STRIPY!! It looks a lot better in person. Drive byes are welcome and encouraged.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

10th Annual HOKSBA Golf Tournament

Last Saturday April 24th I played in the 10th annual Heart of Kansas Southern Baptist Association Golf Tournament with my pop. It is appropriately named the "Hackers,Duffers and Golfers Tournament. I'm a golfer incase you were wondering(this is my blog after all). My dad is a haffer, part hacker part duffer and part golfer. He's like a great golf club swinging hybrid.
This is the second year we played in this tournament held at Hesston Golf Course and both years were a good time. Last year we finished +2 and this year we finished -7. That's a 9 stroke swing! Pretty impressive improvement if I do say so myself. However due to the flight format that most tournaments are scored in we didn't place. If we would have shot either -6 or -8 we would have placed. Does anyone understand how the flight scoring works? I have no idea and it pisses me off every time I play in a tournament! How can a foursome shoot a -1 and place in the 3rd flight and we shoot a -7 and get nothing!? Another thing that gets me is I have worked with a lot of "Golf Pro's" during my golf maintenance career and it is my opinion that if I don't understand the flight scoring they don't either and probably make it up as they go.(Josh Allen! HEYOOO!) There! That's my rant for the day!

Pop, thanks for the invite and I hope we can do it every year.